Boyd Evert

We research and collect unauthorized deductions, find root causes, and provide best practices to suppliers to Walmart.

Featured Posts:


Are Returns Making You Sweat?

Are you struggling with returns? Does Amazon's changing policy and the impact on returns make you confused? Read the latest on HRG's expert insights on how to carefully review your company's volume and rate of returns versus damaged products. This kind of analysis can often spot deeper issues that need your attention. Keep scrolling to read the entire article.


Prices Up. Profits Down. Careful Review Needed.

Major retailers around the country have warned analysts that profits for the second half of 2022 will be lower than expected. Many of our clients will be dealing with the ever-changing prices, markdowns, and canceled orders, sometimes just before and even during delivery.


Diesel Powers More Than Just Trucks

You may have heard that inflation is coming down. So why are you still paying more at the checkout counter for everything from asparagus to zinc tablets? One of the less talked about reasons is the rising cost of transportation, especially diesel fuel.